The grandfather clock
The spring clock is a classic mechanical clock consisting of many cogwheels driven by the energyKnow More
The spring clock is a classic mechanical clock consisting of many cogwheels driven by the energyKnow More
Please note that this brief history focuses on the Smiths as house watchmakers. The parent societyKnow More
In 1860, the merchant Erhard Junghans, together with his brother Jakob Zeller-Tobler, founded an oil factoryKnow More
Our modern system of using a base 60 time system, meaning a clock with 60 minuteKnow More
Tools for knowing time have existed since ancient times. Historical evidence tells us that the firstKnow More
Old watches are in high demand. They are also hundreds of years old. Old watches areKnow More
A pendulum clock is a clock that uses a pendulum, an oscillating weight, as a timekeepingKnow More
In 1974, Mauthe was still struggling to survive: watch production had already stopped, even efforts toKnow More